Better Together Award Finalists Announced

May 7, 2013

The Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines is honoring nonprofit organizations, civic groups and individuals who are building social capital in our community with the Better Together Award. Finalists for the award have been selected and this year's award recipients will be announced at the Community Foundation's Celebration Luncheon & Report to the Community May 13 at the Downtown Des Moines Marriott. The organization that is selected will receive a $2,500 grant from the Community Foundation to advance its social capital work. The individual who is selected will receive a $1,000 award to be distributed to an organization that is building social capital.

2013 Better Together Nominees - Organizational Finalists

  • Central Iowa Shelter & Services
  • FreeStore Inc.
  • Iowa International Center

2013 Better Together Nominees - Individual Finalists

  • Mark Ackelson
  • Lt. Joe Gonzalez

Social capital is defined as connections among diverse people or groups, based on trust, that enhance cooperation for mutual benefit. Those who build social capital possess a unique set of skills and attitudes that enable them to collaborate effectively, make connections between diverse sectors, bridge differences and nurture social networks to make a difference.

The Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines improves quality of life for all by promoting charitable giving, connecting donors with causes they care about and providing leadership on important community issues...we're simply better together.