Grantmaking Priorities

The Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines supports catalytic community impact through strategic Leadership Grants, made possible by the Better Together Fund.

The Grantmaking Committee annually reviews comprehensive community plans/visions as part of the process to determine the Grantmaking Priorities. Specific details on the targeted strategies within each focus area can be found here.

Expanding Access to Housing and Transportation, Advancing Community Health and Resilience, Fostering Inclusive Economic and Workforce Development, Cultivating a Thriving and Inclusive Community

Community Plans and Visions

The following community plans were part of the Grantmaking Committee’s review process; we invite you to learn more about the goals and strategies of these plans and how you can contribute to catalytic community solutions by clicking on the links below.   

  1. Capital Crossroads: Central Iowa's Roadmap to Opportunity and Prosperity for All
  2. Central Iowa Food Security Plan
  3. Central Iowa Regional Cultural Assessment
  4. Challenges and Opportunities for Mental Health and Substance Use Service Delivery in Central Iowa 
  5. Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) 2024
  6. DART 2035
  7. Des Moines Vision 2031
  8. Downtown DSM: Future Forward
  9. Ending Youth Homelessness Plan
  10. Here We Grow: Des Moines Regional Workforce Housing Strategy
  11. Homelessness System Assessment - Gap Analysis 
  12. In Good Health Regional Plan
  13. Mid-Iowa Planning Alliance for Community Development
  14. Nuestro Iowa Report
  15. One Economy Report: A Path Forward
  16. OpportUNITY: Creating Prosperity for All
  17. Refugee Community Plan
  18.  Safe & Thriving Youth Plan
  19. The Path Forward
  20. United Way of Central Iowa - Five Elements of a Thriving Community
  21. Unsheltered Des Moines Study