Agency Funds

As a nonprofit organization, you know the importance of taking a team approach to meeting your mission. That is why the Community Foundation offers agency funds as an opportunity to establish an endowment to support your organization’s needs for today and tomorrow.

Benefits of an Agency Fund


Enables board members and volunteers to focus on the organization’s mission and endowment building while the Community Foundation focuses on the administration and investment of the endowment.


Donors’ gifts to your organization’s agency fund may have access to Endow Iowa Tax Credits, a 25% state tax credit available exclusively for gifts to qualified endowments held at Iowa community foundations.


Provide donors the confidence that their gifts will be invested to provide long-term support for your continued success, thanks to the Community Foundation’s professionally invested portfolios.


Your endowment has the added visibility of being part of the Community Foundation’s family of funds. Additionally, you have access to our team of charitable giving experts to help your donors support your endowment through a variety of gifts including appreciated securities, real estate, business interests, personal tangible property, retirement plans, life insurance, agricultural assets and more. We serve as an expert resource for your organization and your donors.

Consider an Agency Fund if You:

  • Are a nonprofit organization with an IRS 501(c)(3) status.
  • Want to support the growth and stability of your organization.
  • Are eager to increase investment efficiencies – funds are pooled to receive maximum return and lower fees.
  • Want to maximize tax-wise giving opportunities for your donors by offering access to the Endow Iowa Tax Credit and the ability to accept a variety of gifts.  
  • Seek to build your agency fund through planned gifts and estate planning strategies.   

Financial Facts

  • An agency fund can be established in any amount and with a variety of asset types.
  • The ability to combine funds into professionally managed portfolios allows greater diversification of investments and access to investment vehicles that would not be possible for individual funds. 
  • The Community Foundation is about more than transactions; we are about transformation.  While fees collected for funds held at the Community Foundation support the processing of grant checks, accepting and acknowledging donations, completing annual audits and reporting; our fees also make you part of the change we enable in the communities we serve. It's the community convenings, the strategic grantmaking, the donor-connections, the facilitated dialogues, the nonprofit trainings and the promotion of charitable giving that ultimately transforms the communities we call home. Thank you for joining us to improve quality of life in your community.  We're simply better together.
  • Click here to view the Community Foundation's administrative fee structure for agency funds.