Holiday Gift Idea that Gives Back to Community: Giving Cards

Nov 26, 2012

Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines Giving Cards encourage giving in our community that is unique, meaningful and fun, just in time for the holidays. Giving Cards promote charitable giving and provide a giving opportunity that allows the recipient of the card to direct it to benefit any 501(c)(3) charitable organization.


Here's how it works:

  • You've shared the joy of giving and charitable organizations benefit as we build a better community together.
  • Businesses can purchase Giving Cards for clients and employees and brand the cards with a business logo.

"Community members who have purchased Giving Cards tell us they enjoy giving it to friends and as gifts to children and grandchildren to pass on the importance of giving. It's also a great gift for the person who has everything," says President & COO of the Community Foundation Kristi Knous. "Much of the work we do connects donors with causes they are passionate about, lifts up the work of the nonprofit sector and encourages greater giving in our community."