Investment Portfolio Returns

Long-Term Growth Portfolio

The Long-Term Growth Portfolio seeks maximum growth and controlled risk through a diversified portfolio of global stocks, bonds and alternative investment strategies.

Long-Term Growth YTD Portfolio Return as of May 31, 2024: 5.2%

Long-Term Growth Portfolio Report as of May 31, 2024
Comparative December 2023 Long-Term Growth Portfolio Report
Historical Investment Returns for Long-Term Growth Portfolio

Indexed Growth Portfolio

The Indexed Growth Portfolio seeks maximum growth primarily through index funds and a diversified portfolio of global stocks, bonds and liquid alternative investments.

Indexed Growth YTD Portfolio Return as of May 31, 2024: 4.8%

Indexed Growth Portfolio Return Report as of May 31, 2024
Comparative December 2023 Indexed Growth Portfolio Report
Historical Investment Returns for Indexed Growth Portfolio

Moderate Growth Portfolio

The Moderate Growth Portfolio is designed for growth at a more moderate level of volatility.

Moderate Growth Portfolio YTD Return as of May 31, 2024: 3.0%

Moderate Growth Portfolio Report as of May 31, 2024
Comparative December 2023 Moderate Growth Portfolio Report
Historical Investment Returns for Moderate Growth Portfolio