Community Foundation grants $100,000 to Central Iowa Shelter & Services for new homeless shelter

Jul 18, 2011

Central Iowa Shelter & Services (CISS) received another boost toward its $14.5 million fundraising goal to build a new homeless shelter at 1420 Mulberry in Des Moines. The Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines is providing a $100,000 Leadership Grant for the project. 


"The Community Foundation invests in issues critical to our community and has a long history of support for CISS and the homeless in Greater Des Moines," President of the Community Foundation Kristi Knous said. "This new facility has capacity to house more individuals and provides additional support services to enhance our community's efforts to address homelessness."


The planned 40,000 square foot homeless shelter will provide emergency housing for 100 men, 50 women and will also include 38 units for Section 8 housing and 19 units for veterans totaling 207 individuals.  CISS is expanding current programming to 24 hours a day with additional space for showers, an expanded kitchen, restrooms, storage and an education room. 


Executive Director of CISS Tony Timm said. "The Community Foundation's support has helped our organization grow and make this new facility a reality. We are excited to move this initiative forward with expanded support services, such as substance abuse treatment, legal aid, health care, education programs and vocational training."


Central Iowa Shelter and Services will host a Ground Breaking Ceremony July 20, at 9:00 a.m. to celebrate the construction of its new facility at 1420 Mulberry Street, next to the current location. The facility's construction is the result of an ongoing effort, dating back to 2003.  In 2010, the City of Des Moines agreed to sell the land to the shelter to make this effort possible.  Several state and regional dignitaries, founders, chambers of commerce, board members, donors and friends of the shelter will be at the ceremony.


The Community Foundation's previous support of CISS includes convening shelter and city staff along with key community leaders and stakeholders to facilitate discussions around homelessness and determine the most effective location for the shelter.