Strong Roots

Jun 27, 2018



More than 2,500 trees and shrubs cover the Dallas Center land that Dr. James Brenton and his son, William Henry, acquired soon after they arrived in Iowa by covered wagon in 1853. Thanks to the inspired vision of their descendent, Buz Brenton, a large portion of the original “home farm” is now available for all to enjoy as The Brenton Arboretum. The arboretum, located between Waukee and Dallas Center, offers 143 acres of trees and scenery that provides unique learning experiences and tranquility to Iowans from all walks of life.


As the arboretum continues to grow, Executive Director Melissa Burdick knows they can rely on the sustainable support made possible by the organization’s endowments at the Community Foundation.


“The Community Foundation is well-connected, well-managed and offered us many advantages as we considered who was best suited to administer our endowment,” shares Melissa. “The Community Foundation allows us to accept a variety of gift types that make it easy for our donors to create a legacy for the future of our organization.”


Thanks to The Brenton Arboretum’s endowment at the Community Foundation, the organization is acting just like the land they nurture. They are planting seeds today that will grow for years to come.