The Community Foundation Announces Leadership Grants

Jun 28, 2017

Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines announces Leadership Grants

Through strategic Leadership Grants, the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines plays a key role in providing significant funding to projects that strengthen Greater Des Moines by responding to community trends and opportunities.  Leadership Grants are funded through donations to the Better Together Fund. Donors to the Better Together Fund give to support community needs now and into the future as identified through the Community Foundation’s grantmaking process facilitated by the organization’s expert staff, Grantmaking Committee and board of directors. The Community Foundation announces support of the following four organizations with Leadership Grants:

6th Avenue Corridor
A $200,000 Leadership Grant was provided to support the transformation on 6th Avenue Corridor through the streetscape project, which is referenced as being the longest and most economically-sustainable streetscape enhancement ever planned in the metro. “We appreciate the Community Foundation’s commitment to supporting this project. This is a catalytic investment in one of Iowa’s most diverse areas that will enhance the quality of life and health for residents, spur small business growth and stability, foster community connections and serve as a destination for people through the city and state,” shares Breann Bye, executive director of 6th Avenue Corridor.

Food Bank of Iowa
A $100,000 Leadership Grant was awarded to Food Bank of Iowa’ s Fighting Hunger, Feeding Hope campaign that addresses critical capital and infrastructure needs at Food Bank of Iowa’s warehouse facility. The increased warehouse capacity and efficiencies will double the number of meals the organization can provide. As Michelle Book, president and CEO, shares, “Fighting Hunger, Feeding Hope is the beginning of transformational change for Food Bank of Iowa. By overhauling our distribution center, we open new opportunities to provide more nutritious food to Iowans in need. We are so grateful for the Community Foundation’s Leadership Grant award – it will truly make a meaningful impact on the lives of our food insecure neighbors for years to come.”

Iowa Homeless Youth Centers

A $50,000 Leadership Grant was provided to Iowa Homeless Youth Centers (IHYC) to support the Rooftop Garden Project. The Rooftop Garden Project will take the roof at 612 Locust Street and convert it to a working garden that utilizes shipping containers to grow produce for sale at local retailers. “Iowa Homeless Youth Centers is extremely grateful for the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines’ support of Rooftop Gardens. The Leadership Grant will help IHYC to complete this project, which will provide a livable wage and guided work experience to homeless and at-risk youth in Central Iowa. This gift will not only make an impact on our organization, but for our entire community,” adds Toby O’Berry, IHYC director.